ATDC SDN BHD Awarded by EIDPMO to Offer Courses in PPK

The Energy and Industry Department Prime Minister Office has awarded ATDC SDN BHD six courses to be offered in Pusat Pembangunan Kapasiti (PPK). PPK is a multi-program vocational skills training centre operated by EIDPMO.

Registered Training Organisations from different parts of the country were tasked to deliver the program based on approved syllabus adapted from international training or leading industry institutions. ATDC SDN BHD has been awarded to run the courses such as Marker Fitter, Heavy Vehicle Driver, Insulator, Woodcraft, Steel craft and Rigger. The first cohort started 17 September and ended 22 December 2017 with the second cohort starting after few weeks of school break.

ATDC SDN BHD has been very supportive to the government’s vision and mission, that is to become the blueprint, model and leader in vocational skills training to enable a competent national workforce in Brunei Darussalam and to produce job-ready prospects through the alignment of skills and industrial development.

Rodman Tan, PhD
For ATDC Sdn Bhd